The world watches in interest as the Wikileaks drama unfolds. While I am not informed enough to even begin to offer an opinion on Julian Assange and his organization, the whole episode has the world immersed in a conversation about today’s yin word; hidden.
My overall thought is that more transparency in the world would be a good thing, however if we knew everything about everything where would the magic be? Some of the most cherished human experiences require a little digging to get to. Where would the fun in Easter be if the eggs weren’t hidden? What would happen to the anticipation of Christmas if your parents had left the unwrapped gifts out in the open? The hidden feelings of a newly unfolding romance are what make it so sweet when it is finally revealed that you are, indeed, cherished.
We love to discover something which has been previously hidden from view. Without this yin word there would be no mystery and where is the fun in that?
Can you find the hidden face? |