Feng Shui for Romance

What makes a room romantic? I was recently asked to contribute to this article for Calgary’s Condo Living magazine about that very topic. As a Feng Shui and Design Consultant, I often wear two distinct but intertwined hats. In this instance I was not specifically asked about Feng Shui for Romance. I instead discussed romantic rooms from a purely design aspect, but there are many Feng Shui specific things that can be done in a space to attract or enhance romance.


There are two main areas to focus on for enhancing or attracting romance. Depending on the type of Feng Shui being used every home has at least one, and possibly more, areas that correspond to one’s primary love relationship. In addition to that, the Principal Bedroom (that’s the new politically correct name for the Master Bedroom) has an obvious connection to your love life.

So in addition to the suggestions that I gave for the Condo Living article, there are a few simple things you can do to attract or enhance your love life:

Attracting a new love:

  • Make some space! Filling every nook and cranny with stuff doesn’t leave any room for something new to enter our lives and symbolically tells the Universe that our lives are full. Is your closet so jammed that a new love wouldn’t even be able to hang his jacket? Is the dog taking the spot beside you on the sofa? Where would this new person and his or her belongings go?
  • Assess the imagery in your home. I’ve been to many homes where singles (women in particular) have many images containing just one person. In some ways this makes sense to me as it takes a strong and independent person to live alone, especially if your heart has been broken. However, you are again sending a message that you need no-one. Consider removing some of these images and replacing them with ones that remind you of the kind of relationship that you would like to have. Contrary to belief they do not have to be images of couples if you don’t want them to be, perhaps images of the kinds of places you’d like to go with a mate, or images that simply remind you of love would all be appropriate.
  • Do something different. This one has less to do with your house, and more to do with your personal chi. Didn’t Einstein say that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result? If you want a different result, do something different. Walk to work, even part way. Try a new coffee shop. Join a new club. Go to a different bank branch. Wear your hair differently. Anything. Try it!

Enhancing your existing relationship:

  • The space thing counts here too, just not to the same degree. If you are looking to allow for fresh new experiences with your love, make a bit of room for that to happen.
  • Balance your bedroom. Is your bedroom overly masculine or feminine? Does one of you rule the roost? Take a critical look at that and see if there are imbalances there, then correct them. I don’t buy the match-y nightstand theory often touted in Feng Shui, but I do think that neither side of the bed should feel more important.
  • Display a few photos of the two of you in wonderful situations. Very dear friends recently booked a photographer to take pictures of them on a European vacation. It was a fabulous idea and she has a host of photos of her and her love, together, doing something special, in a romantic setting.
  • Remember that your mate, like everything, is a reflection of you. If you don’t like the way you are being treated, look in the mirror. Do you tell him how much you love him? Do you go out of your way to do special things for her?

love noteAppreciation is a two way street. Make sure you are treating your love the way you’d like to be treated. Women often feel like they are doing more than their fair share, and that may be true as we tend to be givers, but when was the last time you wrote a love letter or told him he was madly sexy? Life is short, do it now!

I hope you all are being loved the way that you deserve to be.

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Calgary Feng Shui Designer